
Courses Taught

(graduate courses in blue)

University of San Francisco (as adjunct lecturer)

Applied Piano (MUS 114).
Chromatic Harmony (MUS 398).
Diatonic Harmony and Composition (MUS 250).

University of Michigan (as graduate student instructor)

Aural Skills for Musical Theater Majors I and II [primary instructor] (TH 135a/235a).
Freshman Aural Skills I and II [primary instructor] (TH 149/150).
Freshman Written Theory I and II [instructor of record] (TH 135/236).
Graduate Theory Review [instructor of record] (TH 334).
Theory at the Keyboard I and II [primary instructor] (TH 211/212).                

University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Basic Formal Analysis I/II (Sophomore Theory) (MUS 212/13).
Fundamentals of Music Theory (MUS 110).
Graduate Theory Review (MUS 493B).
Motivic Analysis (MUS691M).
Post-Tonal Theory (MUS 591S).

University of Oklahoma

Advanced Harmonic Analysis (MUTH 5970).
Advanced Schenkerian Theory (MUTH 5970).
Analysis of Tonal Music (MUTH 5883).

Aural Skills II (MUTH 1622).
Aural Skills IV (MUTH 2622).
Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas (MUTH 5970).
Counterpoint (MUTH 3763 ).
Cyclical Form (MUTH 5970).
Forms and Analysis (MUTH 3783).
Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis (MUTH 5813).
Performance and Analysis (MUTH 5970).
Philosophy of Music (MUTH 5970).
Practicum in Post-Tonal Theory (MUTH 5813).
Practicum in Tonal Theory (MUTH 5812).
Readings in Recent Tonal Theory (MUTH 5970).

Structures II (Freshman Theory, second semester) (MUTH 1522).
Structures IV (Sophomore Theory, second semester) (MUTH 2622).
Teaching Music Theory in the Twenty-First Century (MUTH 5970).
Thematic Analysis (MUTH 5970).
Tonal/Post-Tonal Connections (MUTH 5970).
Variation Form and Technique (MUTH 5970).